In this video, learn to use the motion link function in Fusion 360 to link joints together to create a working Vise! This vise will move as you turn the handle!

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One of the great features of Autodesk Fusion 360 is the ability to simulate joints. This can give you an idea of how objects will move in real life. Not only can you create individual joints, you can also link their movement together to create a more complete simulation of object movement.

For example – in this video, we have 2 different kinds of joints – a cylindrical joint for the handle, and a slider joint for the wood jaw. We create a motion link to link the rotation of the handle to the movement in and out of the handle. This will create movement when we spin our handle.

Then, we can link the slide movement of the jaw with the slide movement of the handle. This will create an accurate simulation of a Vise movement within Fusion 360!